What Is Reading ?

What is Reading?

 Reading is a process where many activity involves and we extract the meaning of text . when anyone read a text then there is a aim to find out the meaning , information from the text . As a process , Reading involves mainly two types of activities : Mechanical activity and Mental activity . Everyone read a text differently like some read loudly (mostly children's) some read silently . Reading is process it required complex skills 
involving a simultaneous operations . To understand a text like essay or novel , at first we have to understand and identify letter , then word and then the meaning , after word we get sentence and meaning of sentence and then understanding meaning of sentence in accordance to the whole text .

Process of reading relationship between reader and writer 

Reading involves two person or more person in this process at first creation of text means writer of text then reader of text delivery of message to reader . Means encoder of message (writer) to decoder of message (reader) . Now reader requires abilities to understand the information or meaning of text and it depend upon text that how much abilities required to understand text in case of simple essay it will be easier than a poem . the process of understanding texts of different types and different subjects started from childhood but it grow or sharpen day by day . There is lot of things to know for proper understanding of text  like - knowledge of writing system , knowledge of language , etc . After all that , a reader read a text , decode it and find his own meaning . What he finds on text depends not only on what writer wrote but also on what reader brings to the text , so reading is meaning making process .

Here we find a relationship between a reader and writer a common area of how much amount of knowledge encoded by writer and  decoded by reader . In communication between two person same process involves where a person say something and second person has to understand that once message enters to the mind of listener mind ant decoded  then communication achieved . If the writer and reader are from same backgrounds , with similar attitude , beliefs , assumptions , cultural knowledge , it's quite easy to find out information of text . when a reader generate meaning they draw on their prior knowledge and beliefs about subject , and other knowledge ( prior experiences with life , language and literature ) .

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